Our Reason for Being

Our Reason for Being

For years our leaders, environmentalists, and experts continue to say our planet’s climate is changing, because of man, and as a result, we are near a tipping point that will lead to significant destruction of habitat, species extinction, melting of glaciers, and human tragedy (to name a few).

The founder of NovitiumEARTH and its community, believe this may be in part true, but are concerned the political and institutional forces have agenda’s that may not be the best solutions for the planet or its sovereign nations.   By forcing a singular policy across the globe does not make sense and we should analyze the expected results, compare and contract them with other solutions, before it is really too late.

Therefore, we are promoting education and awareness so that the community can help guide policy and define how to live our lives, rather than be told how to live them.   This can be done by considering earth friendly, practical, reliable, and sustainable green solutions.

By finding solutions on how to impact climate change to the planet with cost effective means, we can impact the way in which communities use natural resources and ultimately use energy.

By enabling a world wide community, together, we can help each other build a New Beginning for Earth.

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